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Mikroskop LEVENHUK MED 1000T

Instrukcja obsługi Mikroskop LEVENHUK MED 1000T

Levenhuk 1000 Series
Biological Microscopes
Levenhuk 1000B / 1000T / D1000T
Наслади се отблизо
Radost zaostřit
Zoom ran und hab Fun!
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Приближает с удовольствием
User Manual
Ръководство за потребителя
Návod k použití
Guía del usuario
Használati útmutató
Guida all'utilizzo
Instrukcja obsługi
Инструкция по эксплуатации
1 Szemlencse fejrész
2 Szemlencse
3 Trinokuláris (Levenhu 1000T
és D1000T)
4 Revolverfej
5 Objektív
6 Metszettartó
7 Tárgyasztal
8 Kondenzor
9 Kondenzor beállítógomb
10 Durva-fókuszállító gomb
11 Finom-fókuszállító gomb
12 Tárgyasztal mozgatás Y
13 Tárgyasztal mozgatás X
14 Megvilágítás
15 Fényerő szabályzókerék
1 Cabezal
2 Ocular
3 Trinocular (Levenhuk 1000T
y D1000T)
4 Revólver
5 Objetivo
6 Soporte para las muestras
7 Platina
8 Condensador
9 Tornillo de ajuste del condensador
10 Tornillo macrométrico
11 Tornillo micrométrico
12 Desplazamiento de platina Y
13 Desplazamiento de platina X
14 Iluminación
15 Rueda de ajuste de brillo
1 Окулярна глава
2 Окуляр
3 Тринокулярен микроскоп
(Levenhuk 1000T и D1000T)
4 Револверна глава
5 Обектив
6 Държач за образец
7 Предметна маса
8 Кондензатор
9 Бутон за регулиране на кондензатора
10 Бутон за грубо регулиране на фокуса
11 Бутон за фино регулиране на фокуса
12 Движение на предметната маса по ос Y
13 Движение на предметната маса по ос Х
14 Осветление
15 Колело за регулиране на яркостта
1 Eyepiece head
2 Eyepiece
3 Trinocular (Levenhuk 1000T
and D1000T)
4 Revolving nosepiece
5 Objective
6 Slide holder
7 Stage
8 Condenser
9 Condenser adjusting knob
10 Coarse focusing knob
11 Fine focusing knob
12 Stage movement Y
13 Stage movement X
14 Illumination
15 Brightness adjustment wheel
1 Hlava okuláru
2 Okulár
3 Trinokulár (Levenhuk 1000T
a D1000T)
4 Otočná hlavice
5 Objektiv
6 Držák preparátů
7 Pracovní stolek
8 Kondenzor
9 Stavěcí šroub kondenzoru
10 Makrošroub pro hrubé zaostření
11 Makrošroub pro jemné zaostření
12 Osa Y posunu pracovního stolku
13 Osa X posunu pracovního stolku
14 Osvětlení
15 Regulátor nastavení jasu
1 Okularkopf
2 Okular
3 Trinokular (Levenhuk 1000T
und D1000T)
4 Revolver
5 Objektiv
6 Objektträger
7 Objekttisch
8 Kondensor
9 Kondensoreinstellknopf
10 Grobtrieb
11 Feintrieb
12 Objektträgerverstellung Y
13 Objektträgerverstellung X
14 Beleuchtung
15 Helligkeitsregler
1 Окулярная насадка
2 Окуляр
3 Тринокуляр (Levenhuk 1000T
и D1000T)
4 Револьверное устройство
5 Объектив
6 Держатель препарата
7 Предметный столик
8 Конденсор
9 Ручка регулировки конденсора
10 Ручка грубой фокусировки
11 Ручка тонкой фокусировки
12 Перемещение столика по вертикали
13 Перемещение столика по горизонтали
14 Блок подсветки
15 Колесико регулировки яркости подсветки
1 Głowica okularowa
2 Okular
3 Głowica trójokularowa
(Levenhuk 1000T i D1000T)
4 Miska rewolwerowa
5 Obiektyw
6 Uchwyt na preparaty
7 Stolik
8 Kondensor
9 Pokrętło regulacji kondensora
10 Pokrętło zgrubnej regulacji ostrości
11 Pokrętło precyzyjnej regulacji ostrości
12 Regulacja stolika w osi Y
13 Regulacja stolika w osi X
14 Оświetlenie
15 Pokrętło regulacji jasności
1 Testata degli oculari
2 Oculare
3 Trinoculare (Levenhuk 1000T
e D1000T)
4 Revolver porta obiettivi
5 Obiettivo
6 Ferma-vetrino
7 Tavolino
8 Condensatore
9 Manopola di regolazione del diaframma
10 Vite macrometrica
11 Vite micrometrica
12 Traslazione tavolino asse Y
13 Traslazione tavolino asse X
14 Illuminazione
15 Rotella regolazione luminosità
Caution: Please remember that mains voltage in most European countries is 220240V.
If you want to use your device in a country with a different mains voltage standard,
remember that use of a converter is absolutely necessary.
Vigyázat: Kérjük, hogy ne feledd, hogy a legtöbb európai országban az elektromos hálózat 220 V
és 240 V közötti tápfeszültséget biztosít. Ha olyan országban szeretnéd használni az eszközödet,
amelyben az elektromos hálózat ettől eltérő tápfeszültséget biztosít, akkor okvetlenül
használnod kell egy konvertert (átalakítót).
Внимание: Не забравяйте, че напрежението в повечето европейски страни е 220240V.
Ако искате да използвате устройството си в страна с различен стандарт на мрежово
напрежение, използването на трансформатор е абсолютно необходимо.
Upozornění: Mějte na paměti, že síťové napětí ve většině evropských zemí je 220240 V.
Chcete-li svůj přístroj používat v zemi s odlišnou normou síťového napětí, nezapomeňte,
že je naprosto nezbytné použít napěťový měnič.
VORSICHT: In den meisten europäischen Ländern beträgt die Netzspannung 220240 V.
Soll das Gerät in einem Land mit abweichender Netzspannung eingesetzt werden, ist unbedingt
ein Spanungswandler zu verwenden.
Advertencia: Tenga en cuenta que la tensión de red en la mayor parte de los países europeos
es 220240 V. Si va a utilizar este aparato en un país con una tensión de red diferente, recuerde
que es absolutamente necesario utilizar un convertidor.
Caution: Children should only use the device under an adult's supervision.
Vigyázat: Gyerekek csak felnőtt felügyelete mellett használhatják a készüléket.
Внимание: Децата могат да използват устройството само под наблюдение
от възрастен.
Upozornění: Děti by měly teleskop používat pouze pod dohledem dospělé osoby.
VORSICHT: Kinder sollten das Gerät nur unter Aufsicht eines Erwachsenen verwenden.
Advertencia: Los niños solo deben usar el dispositivo bajo la supervisión de un adulto.
Attenzione: Si tenga presente che la tensione di rete nella maggior parte dei paesi europei è
di 220240 V. Si tenga presente che, se si desidera utilizzare il dispositivo in un paese in cui la
tensione di rete standard è differente, è assolutamente indispensabile utilizzare un convertitore
di tensione.
Uwaga: Prosimy pamiętać, że napięcie sieciowe w większości państw europejskich wynosi
220240 V. Jeśli urządzenie ma być używane w państwie, w którym napięcie sieciowe ma inną
wartość, należy koniecznie pamiętać o stosowaniu przetwornika.
Внимание: помните, что напряжение сети в России и большинстве европейских стран
составляет 220240 В. Если вы хотите использовать устройство в стране с другим стандартом
сетевого напряжения, необходимо включать его в розетку только через соответствующий
конвертер (преобразователь напряжения).
Attenzione: I bambini dovrebbero usare il dispositivo solo sotto la supervisione dei genitori.
Uwaga: Dzieci mogą używać urządzenia wyłącznie pod opieką dorosłych.
Внимание: дети должны пользоваться прибором только под присмотром взрослых.
The kit includes
Optional accessories
You can increase the possibilities of your microscope by equipping it with the optional
Levenhuk accessories: eyepieces of different magnification, reticle
eyepieces, planar objectives, dark-field condenser, LCD microscope camera, etc. Visit our
website to choose and buy optional accessories: www.levenhuk.com
General Information
Levenhuk 1000 Series biological microscopes are safe for health, life and property of the
consumer and the environment when properly used, and meets the requirements of
international standards. These microscopes are designed for observing transparent objects in
the transmitted light using the bright field method. They perform well in clinical research and
tests; teaching demonstrations; bacterioscopy and cytoscopy in medical and health
establishments, laboratories, universities, and schools; and may be used for scientific research
in agriculture and microbiology.
Levenhuk 1000 Series Microscopes
The Levenhuk D1000T kit additionally includes: 14Mpx digital camera, a USB cable
and a CD with software & drivers.
џmicroscope body
џeyepiece head: binocular (Levenhuk 1000B), trinocular (Levenhuk 1000T andD1000T)
џinfinity-corrected planar objectives: 4x, 10x, 40xs, 100xs (oil)
џeyepieces: WF10x/22mm (2pcs)
џblue filter
џvial of immersion oil
џC-mount for camera (Levenhuk 1000T and D1000T)
џdust cover
џpower cable
џLED lamp
џuser manual and warranty
Microscope assembly
1. Eyepiece head. Loosen the locking screw on the bottom of the microscope body. Install the
eyepiece head and tighten the locking screw.
2. Eyepiece. There is a special ring to fix the eyepiece firmly in the tube of eyepiece head. Make
sure to install the proper end of the eyepiece in the tube.
3. Installing objective lenses. To install the objective lenses, screw them in by turning clockwise.
Attach objective lenses to the revolving nosepiece in ascending order of magnification.
4. Condenser. The condenser was mounted, focused and centered at the factory. There is no need
to make any adjustments.
5. Digital camera (Levenhuk D1000T). Insert the camera into the C-mount and tighten the locking
screw. Then, insert the C-mount into the trinocular tube.
џIllumination. Connect your microscope to a power outlet. Turn the power on; the power
indicator will come on. You can change the level of brightness with the brightness adjustment
џIris diaphragm is incorporated into the condenser. Adjust the iris diaphragm to match the
numerical aperture of different objectives. Open or close the iris diaphragm with the adjusting
knob. When the knob is on the right, the iris diaphragm is fully opened.
џPlacing the specimen. Place the specimen on the stage and cover it with glass. Make sure to
fix the specimen securely with the stage clips. Move the stage in horizontal and vertical
directions to point the objective lens at the specimen.
џFocusing. Select the objective lens with the lowest magnification rotating the revolving
nosepiece. Raise the stage turning the coarse focus knob. While observing through the
objective lens, turn the coarse focus knob slowly to let the stage down until you see an image
of the observed specimen. Turning the fine focus knob, make the image sharp. CAUTION: The
objective should not touch the specimen; otherwise, the objective and/or the specimen might
be damaged.
џAdjusting the eyepiece head. Adjust the eyepiece tubes to make the view in the left and right
eyepiece even. Start the diopter adjustment with “0” value and continue until the image
becomes sharp.
џImmersion oil. For observing at high magnifications with a 100x objective lens, you have to use
immersion oil. Place a drop of immersion oil on the specimen. Turn the revolving nosepiece to
place the 100x objective lens in its working position. Raise the microscope stage with a coarse
focus knob until the bottom of the objective lens touches the oil drop. Move the revolving
nosepiece back and forth to get rid of air bubbles in the oil. Then, fix the objective lens in its
working position. Make sure that oil fills the entire space between the objective lens and the
џChanging the bulb. The microscope is equipped with built-in LED illumination. Change the bulb
only if necessary.
Digital camera
Levenhuk D1000T comes with a 14Mpx digital camera. The camera allows you to observe
specimens in fine detail and true colors on your PC monitor and save images on the hard drive.
Connect the camera to your PC via a USB cable that also acts as a power cable.

Właściciel serwisu: TERG S.A. Ul. Za Dworcem 1D, 77-400 Złotów; Spółka wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego w Sądzie Rejonowym w Poznań-Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod nr KRS 0000427063, Kapitał zakładowy: 40 618 750 zł; NIP 767-10-04-218, REGON 570217011; numer rejestrowy BDO: 000135672. Sprzedaż dla firm (B2B): dlabiznesu@me.pl INFOLINIA: 756 756 756