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Kosiarka akumulatorowa RYOBI RLM36X41H50G

Instrukcja obsługi Kosiarka akumulatorowa RYOBI RLM36X41H50G

Important! It is essential that you read the instructions in this manual before assembling, maintaining and
operating the product.
Attention! Il est essentiel que vous lisiez les instructions contenues dans ce manuel avant d’assembler,
d’entretenir et d’utiliser le produit.
Achtung! Es ist wichtig, dass Sie vor Zusammenbau, Wartung und Benutzung des Produktes die Anweisungen
in dieser Anleitung lesen.
¡Atención! Resulta fundamental que lea este manual de instrucciones antes de realizar el montaje, el
mantenimiento y de utilizar este producto
Attenzione! E’ importante leggere le istruzioni contenute nel presente manuale prima di montare il prodotto,
svolgere le operazioni di manutenzione sullo stesso e metterlo in funzione.
Let op! Het is van essentieel belang dat u de instructies in deze gebruiksaanwijzing leest voor u het product
monteert, onderhoudt en gebruikt.
Atenção! É fundamental que leia as instruções deste manual antes da montagem, manutenção e operação
do aparelho.
OBS! Det er vigtigt, at man læser instrukserne i denne brugsanvisning, inden man samler, vedligeholder
og betjener produktet.
Observera! Det är viktigt att du läser instruktionerna i manualen före montering, användning och underhåll av
Huomio! On tärkeää, että luet tämän käsikirjan ohjeet ennen tuotteen kokoamista, huoltoa ja käyttöä.
Advarsel! Det er viktig at du leser instruksjonene i denne manualen før sammensetning, vedlikehold og bruk
av produktet
Внимание! Необходимо прочитать инструкции в данном руководстве перед сборкой, обслуживанием и
эксплуатацией этого изделия.
Uwaga! Koniecznie należy przeczytać instrukcje zawarte w tym podręczniku przed montażem, obsługą oraz
konserwacją produktu.
upozornění! Neinstalujte, neprovádějte údržbu ani nepoužívejte tento výrobek dříve, než si přečtete pokyny
uvedené v tomto návodu.
Figyelem! Fontos, hogy a termék összeszerelése, karbantartása és használata előtt elolvassa a kézikönyvben
található utasításokat.
Atenţie! Este esențial să citiți instrucțiunile din acest manual înainte de asamblare, efectuarea întreținerii și
operarea produsului.
Uzmanību! Ir svarīgi izlasīt šīs rokasgrāmatas instrukcijas pirms uzstādīšanas, apkopes un preces
Dėmesio! Prieš surenkant, prižiūrint ir naudojant gaminį, būtina perskaityti šiame vadove pateiktus nurodymus.
Tähtis! Enne masina kokkupanekut, hooldamist ja kasutama hakkamist tuleb käesolevas juhendis esitatud
juhised kindlasti läbi lugeda.
Upozorenje! Vrlo je važno da ste prije sklapanja, održavanja i rada s ovim proizvodom pročitali upute u ovom
Pomembno! Pomembno je da pred montažo vzdrževanjem in uporabo tega izdelka preberete navodila v tem
Upzornenie! Je dôležité, aby ste si pred montážou, údržbou a obsluhou produktu prečítali pokyny v tomto
Важно! Изключително важно е да прочетете инструкциите в настоящото ръководство, преди да
преминете към сглобяване, поддръжка или работа с продукта.
Важливо! Дуже важливо, щоб ви прочитали інструкції в цьому керівництві перед складанням,
обслуговуванням та експлуатацією цієї машини.
Önemli! Ürünü monte etmeden, kullanmadan ve bakımını yapmadan önce bu kılavuzdaki talimatları
okumanız önemlidir.
Subject to technical modication | Sous réserve de modications techniques | Technische Änderungen vorbehalten
| Bajo reserva de modicaciones técnicas | Con riserva di eventuali modiche tecniche | Technische wijzigingen
voorbehouden | Com reserva de modicações técnicas | Med forbehold for tekniske ændringer | Med förbehåll för
tekniska ändringar | Tekniset muutokset varataan | Med forbehold om tekniske endringer | могут быть внесены
технические изменения | Z zastrzeżeniem modykacji technicznych | Změny technických údajů vyhrazeny
| A műszaki módosítás jogát fenntartjuk | Sub rezerva modicaţiilor tehnice | Paturam tiesības mainīt tehniskos
raksturlielumus | Pasiliekant teisę daryti techninius pakeitimus | Tehnilised muudatused võimalikud | Podloæno
tehniëkim promjenama | Tehnične spremembe dopuščene | Právo na technické zmeny je vyhradené | Подлежи на
технически модификации | Є об’єктом для технічних змін | Teknik değişikliğe tabidir.
Original Instructions
Safety, performance, and dependability have
been given top priority in the design of your
cordless lawnmower.
The cordless lawnmower is intended for
outdoor use only.
The product is designed for domestic lawn
mowing. It is a pedestrian-controlled walk-
behind mower designed to be pushed by hand.
The product should never be operated with the
wheels o the ground. It should not be pulled
or ridden on.
Do not use the product for any other purpose.
Keep the instructions safe for later use.
The product should be operated only with
the battery packs specified in this manual.
When using a battery-operated product,
basic safety precautions should always be
followed to reduce the risk of fire, leaking
batteries, and personal injury.
Never allow children or people with reduced
physical, sensory, or mental capabilities,
or persons who are not familiar with these
instructions to operate, clean, or maintain
the product. Local regulations may restrict
the age of the operator. Children should be
adequately supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the product.
Be familiar with the controls and the correct
use of the product.
Wear heavy, long trousers, long sleeves,
and sturdy anti-slip footwear. Do not wear
short trousers, sandals, or go barefoot.
Avoid wearing clothing that is loose-fitting
or that has hanging cords or ties.
Use the product across the face of slopes;
never up and down. Exercise extreme caution
when changing direction on slopes. Keep firm
footing and balance. Walk; never run.
Do not use the product near drop-offs,
ditches, excessively steep slopes, or
Always wear safety glasses.
The product is capable of amputating hands
and feet, and of throwing objects. Failure to
observe all safety instructions could result
in serious injury or death.
Stay alert, watch what you are doing,
and use common sense when operating
the product. Do not operate the product
while tired, ill, or under the influence of
drugs, alcohol, or medication. A lapse in
concentration while operating the product
may result in serious personal injury.
Never use the product while people,
especially children, or pets are within 15
m because of the danger of objects being
thrown by contact with the blade.
Always use the product in daylight or good
artificial light.
Do not operate the product on wet grass or
in the rain.
Keep in mind that the operator or user
is responsible for accidents or hazards
occurring to other people or their property.
Objects struck by the lawnmower blade
can cause severe injuries to persons.
Thoroughly inspect the area where the
product is to be used, and remove all rocks,
sticks, metal, wire, bones, toys, or other
foreign objects. Remember, string or wire
may entangle with the cutting means.
Do not operate the product in explosive
atmospheres, such as in the presence
of flammable liquids, gases, or dust. The
product creates sparks, which may ignite
dust or fumes.
Do not use the product when there is a risk
of lightning.
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator
is not alert to the presence of children.
Children are often attracted to the product
and the mowing activity. Never assume
that children will remain where you last saw
Use extra care when approaching blind
corners, shrubs, trees, or other objects,
including overhanging shrubs, which may
block your view.
Read, understand, and always follow
the safety instructions which came with
your battery and charger. Failure to do
so may result in electric shock, fire or
other hazardous situations. Keep all the
instructions together in a safe place for
future reference.
4Original Instructions
Battery-operated products do not have to be
plugged into an electrical outlet; therefore,
they are always in operating condition.
Remove the isolator key whenever you are
not operating the product.
Remove the battery pack before making
any adjustments, cleaning, or removing
material from the product.
Ensure the isolator key is removed before
inserting battery pack.
A battery pack must be recharged only with
the charger specified by the manufacturer.
Using a charger with an incompatible
battery pack may create a risk of fire. Use
battery pack only with charger listed.
Use only battery pack intended specifically
for the product. Use of any other battery
packs may result in a risk of fire, electric
shock, or injury to persons.
When battery pack is not in use, keep it away
from other metal objects like, paper clips,
coins, keys, nails, screws, or other small
metal objects, that can make a connection
from one terminal to another. Shorting the
battery pack terminals together may cause
sparks, burns, fire or explosion.
Do not place battery products or their
batteries near fire or heat. This increases
the risk of explosion and possibly injury.
Do not open or mutilate the battery pack.
Released electrolyte is corrosive and may
cause damage to the eyes or skin. It may be
toxic if swallowed.
Protect the battery pack against moisture
and water. Do not charge the product in a
damp or wet location. Following this rule will
reduce the risk of electric shock.
In case of damage and improper use of the
battery, vapour may be emitted. Provide
for fresh air and seek medical help in case
of complaints. The vapour can irritate the
respiratory system.
Do not leave the battery pack inside a
vehicle in hot or cold conditions.
Do not incinerate the battery.
Under abusive conditions, liquid may be
ejected from the battery; avoid contact.
If contact accidentally occurs, flush with
water. If liquid contacts eyes, additionally
seek medical help. Liquid ejected from the
battery may cause irritation or burns.
Before use, always visually inspect the
product to ensure that blades, blade bolts,
and cutter assembly are not worn or
damaged. Replace worn or damaged blades
and bolts in sets to preserve balance.
Bring the product to an authorised service
centre to replace damaged or unreadable
Do not pull the product backwards unless
absolutely necessary. If you must back the
product away from a wall or obstruction, first
look down and behind to avoid tripping or
pulling the product over your feet.
Turn off the product and allow the blade
to stop if the product has to be tilted for
transportation when crossing surfaces
other than grass, and when transporting the
product to and from the work area.
Never use the product with defective guards
or shields, or without safety devices, such
as deflectors and grass catchers, in place.
Do not tilt the product when turning on
the motor or while the motor is running. If
absolutely necessary, you may raise the
front of the lawnmower by no more than 5
cm to enable easier starting. Press down on
the handlebar to achieve this. Always return
the lawnmower to its normal position with all
wheels on the ground before cutting. Tilting
the lawnmower exposes the blade and
increases the probability of objects being
thrown and accidentally making contact
with the blade.
Do not start the product when standing in
front of the grass discharge opening.
The product must be started with the user
behind the handlebars in the operator safety
zone. Never start the product if:
The grass discharge chute is exposed
and is not protected by the grass catcher
and grass discharge chute cover.
Hands and feet of all persons are not
clear of the cutting enclosure.
Turn on the product carefully according to
instructions, and keep hands and feet away
from the blades. Do not put hands or feet
near or under rotating parts. Keep clear of
the discharge opening at all times.
Never pick up or carry the product while it
is running.
Original Instructions
Turn off the product, and remove the isolator
key and the battery pack. Make sure that all
moving parts have come to a complete stop:
whenever leaving the product unattended
(including disposal of grass clippings)
before clearing blockages or unclogging
the discharge chute
before checking, cleaning, or working on
the product
before removing the grass catcher or
opening the grass discharge chute cover
after striking a foreign object; inspect the
product for damage and make repairs
as necessary before restarting and
operating the product
if the product starts to vibrate abnormally
(check immediately)
inspect for damage, particularly the
replace or repair any damaged parts
check for and tighten any loose parts
The cutting blade should rotate
approximately parallel to the ground over
which it is being wheeled.
The blade on the product is sharp. Use
extreme caution, and wear heavy-duty
gloves when fitting, replacing, cleaning, or
checking bolt security.
Never operate the product if the on/off
switch on the handlebar does not properly
start and stop the product.
Never attempt to lock the on/off switches in
the on position; this is extremely dangerous.
Do not force the product. It will do the job
better and safer at the speed for which it
was designed.
Stop the blade when crossing gravel
Avoid holes, ruts, bumps, rocks, property
stakes, or other hidden objects. Uneven
terrain could cause a slip-and-fall accident.
Always ensure that the motor control cable
is never trapped, pinched, or otherwise
damaged during assembly or when folding
the handle.
Injuries may be caused, or aggravated, by
prolonged use of the product. When using
the product for prolonged periods, ensure to
take regular breaks.
To reduce the risk of fire, personal injury,
and product damage due to a short circuit,
never immerse the tool, battery pack, or
charger in fluid or allow fluid to flow inside
them. Corrosive or conductive fluids, such
as seawater, certain industrial chemicals,
and bleach or bleach-containing products,
etc., can cause a short circuit.
Do not dispose of battery packs together
with household waste material. They must
be collected separately and returned to an
environmentally compatible recycling facility.
Check with your local authority or retailer for
recycling advice and collection point.
The product has an overload protection device.
When overloading is detected, the product
automatically turns o . If the overload protector
is actuated, the on/o lever must be released.
Press the start button, and squeeze the on/o
lever to restart the product. If the product still
does not start, reinstall the battery pack.
The battery pack has overheat protection.
Excessive temperatures will cause the battery
to stop powering the product. If the battery
pack is too warm, allow it to cool down before
resuming operation. If the product still does not
work, recharge the battery.
NOTE: The battery pack LED indicator will
not work if the battery protection feature has
caused the battery pack to stop powering the
product. Turn o the product or remove the
battery pack from the product, and the battery
pack LED indicator will resume normal function.
The run time of the battery depends on the
condition, length, and density of the grass.
Adjust the cutting height of the lawnmower to
suit the current condition of the lawn.
For best performance, always cut off one-
third or less of the total height of the grass.
When cutting long grass, reduce walking
speed to allow for more effective cutting and
a proper discharge of the clippings.

Właściciel serwisu: TERG S.A. Ul. Za Dworcem 1D, 77-400 Złotów; Spółka wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego w Sądzie Rejonowym w Poznań-Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod nr KRS 0000427063, Kapitał zakładowy: 40 618 750 zł; NIP 767-10-04-218, REGON 570217011; numer rejestrowy BDO: 000135672. Sprzedaż dla firm (B2B): dlabiznesu@me.pl INFOLINIA: 756 756 756